Build a skilled workforce with a registered apprenticeship program ... more
Anderson Automotive Group

- Logistics
Seth Rhinehart, HR Business Partner & Talent Specialist
Finding qualified automotive technicians has become quite a challenge. The team at Anderson Automotive Group in Raleigh, a family-owned business founded in 1955, connected with the ApprenticeshipNC team and is now growing their own talent.
“The talent shortage had gotten so bad, we were posting jobs and getting one or two applications a month,” says Seth Rhinehart, HR Business Partner and Talent Specialist. “That’s not sustainable, so we looked at apprenticeship as an opportunity to build the talent we need in-house. For our apprentices, they earn while they learn, and they don’t end up in debt having to pay for a degree. They are eligible for our 401K plan and benefits, too. The family culture makes apprenticeship a great fit.” Rhinehart says the apprentices are eager to learn and happy to do all the different types of jobs to expand their skills.
“From an employer perspective, the program helps us develop mentors,” adds Rhinehart. “Our people grow as leaders, developing their skills as they grow our workforce. The biggest benefit we’re seeing? When the apprentices complete the program, they have skills we just cannot find in the market.”
Anderson Automotive Group has seven dealerships across North Carolina (and one in South Carolina), and each handles their apprenticeships slightly differently. In the Triangle area, for example, the apprentices in the program started as seniors in high school. During the four-year program, they attend class at Wake Tech one day a week over the course of three years; they work the other four days, learning from master certified technicians and mentors.
“Good talent is hard to find,” says Rhinehart. “I think apprenticeship can work for you in almost any industry. Reach out to ApprenticeshipNC to learn about starting a program on your own or find an established consortium and take advantage of their knowledge. Growing from within is one of the best benefits you can give your company.”